Wednesday 19 June 2019

The Hills Returns with Whitney?!

Back in the days when I was a really, really young adult probably at the time I was around 19 to 20 something, I was crazy obsessed over Lauren Conrad and her reality TV posse. Lauren left her spin-off show The Hills in which she was replaced with her so-called rival, Kristin Cavallari. Just recently, I read that there will be a reboot of the hit reality TV show and not so surprise, the Pratts are coming back but what threw me off is that my other favourite, Whitney Port, is also appearing again? What? Why?

A little introduction to my used-to-be favourite reality show, The Hills - it's a show that follows four girls, all with different backgrounds and with different life aspirations and how relatable (or unrelatable) their lives are with other girls. Honestly, when you comes from a well-off family, not every other girls can relate to their lifestyle. Worse and I was one of those girls, not only envy their more luxurious and posh lifestyle but also pretend that we can actually live that life. What a joke I was, back then~ Anyways, that did not stop me or young women like me to just follow them and their drama religiously. Of course, as much as I love the drama, I was also intrigued by Lauren and some of the other casts of the show. 

My favourite of them all is Lauren Conrad and we know where she is right now. Lauren has become one of the most successful cast of The Hills alumni. She has three or four brands under her name and probably written more than 10 books and I do follow her blog and her social medias religiously as well. And then, even though I never really liked Kristin Cavallari, I grew to respect the woman she has become today. The girl is successful too. So was Whitney - well in my opinion of course. She's happily married with a brand of her own so I seriously thought these three girls have got there. They are successful in their own rights and all three of them have a brand of their own now. 

Lauren Conrad Official Website

So my initial reaction when I saw that MTV will reboot The Hills again, I wasn't really that surprise and I wasn't even the slightest shook when I looked and the pictures and saw the Pratt couple. Of course, latest news have it that the couple has changed especially now that they are parents. Little acknowledgement when I saw Audrina going to be part of it too with her former flame, Jason Bobby and of course Brody Jenner. Seriously not surprised at all when I saw their faces on the news. The first shock I had was that they are also going to include Mischa Barton who was never part of the original show. She was the lead girl in the fictional TV show, The O.C. But, what stopped my tracks and movement is when I found out even my girl Whitney is coming back??!

Uncommon James by Kristin Cavallari

As much as I loved the show in the past, I actually have grew out of it because when you grew to watch your favourite girls developing and making a name for themselves, you're bound to be inspired to do the same. So here I am, trying hard to make a name for myself and to have my own success, trying to match the success of Lauren's, Kristin's and Whitney's, naturally growing out of the interest of reality show like The Hills so news of the show's reboot didn't amused me. But the fact that Whitney will be part of it sort of disappoint me. I guess because I have put inside my head that Whitney has already achieved the success that her younger self targeted, she would just grow from there. To see her announcing her comeback to the reboot show, I guess I was not only shocked but a little bit disappointed. 

Whitney Port Official Website

I knew the show was a success in the past because all the casts were paid handsomely just to be part of the show but I also know that other than Lauren, Kristin and Whitney, none of the others have achieved the success as major as the three women. Personally, I don't think Whitney should be part of the reboot show because she is doing well on her own right now. She has an awesome podcast show, her baby boy is hella cute and just like Lauren and Kristin, she has a brand of her own. Also, considering that those other than Whitney who will be appearing on the show did not really have the coolest of exposures, I don't think this reboot of The Hills, will ever reached the success of it first run. I hoped and prayed that in time, Whitney will finally leave the show and if she does, she leaves with a lot more class and with little bad rep behind her back. 

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