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Makeovers sound fun especially the ones on television about personal or home make-overs. I love watching those shows. It gives me a sense of inspiration to get out there and get a makeover for myself whether it will be for personal being or even my environment. I also learned a lot from all the tips and tricks that they shared. Since it's Positive July and me being inspired to start my month rejuvenating myself to be a more positive person, I thought of giving myself a makeover. Considering that I have started to makeover my personal appearnace and my inner self, it only made more sense for me to makeover my space and environment too. But what those TV shows never sahred with their viewers or hardly ever share is probably the most important note of all - makeovers are NOT easy and I learned it the hard and rough way.
Growing up, I have always found a lot of fascination about makeovers. The first time I learned about makeover was through Oprah Winfrey's show. As time pass by, there seems to be a growing interest in makeovers. However, while everything that transpires on the screen seems effortless and easy, it's not. By word of mouth, I was informed that makeover are not easy. Just take this personal journey o me making changes to my lfiestyle - it's a hard road forward. Little was I aware tha making over my environment i.e. my bedroom is just as rough especially for someone who is not physically fit like me. Basically, when they say makeover, it is their fancy way and more approachable or more inspiring way to say - CHANGE.

Picking up from my month of improving myself and my environment, I realised that makeover a.k.a change is really difficult. And as intimidating as it sounds or as I have pictured it, there are a few lessons and notes that I have learned and picked up.
1. Mentally challenging.
Initiating a makeover of any kind, you must first be truly ready and prepared for the long and hard journey ahead. Makeover isn't just about changing appearances. It's about improving your life and it's really about leaving behind the old bad habits and learning some new ones and everyone knows bad habits are hard to let go. This applies to everything whether you are making over your personal self and your body to making over your environment. Biting nails and scratching our face are just bad habits like looking at your phone just before you go to bed or sleeping on your bed without changing the sheets after a month or so.
Unless you are truly ready to get into the habit of something good and new, you may need to take that time to pray and think further about makeovers. Just keep in mind that no matter how difficult it is, the outcome is worth it.
2. It costs money.
Makeover TV shows may or may not disclose the real cost of a makeover. Don't disregard the existing post about small budget makeovers, they are quite useful to many but from my personal experience, I just can't realte to many of them which I think the big reason is because I'm from Malaysia and everything is expensive here when compared to my monthly wages. Even when I cut down smaller than what the blogs suggested, my pocket continues to run thin.
Cleaning supplies and tools are cheap and some can be found in your house but bear in mind that unless you have checked and planned what you truly needs, you may not have enough garbage bags or anything else and we always have to face that.
3. It Takes A Lot of Time.
As I have said it before, television makes things look easy but in reality, it is not. While television shows showed that makeover takes about 45 minutes (because the show is approximately around one hour and I will acknowledged they do indicate the days), it really does take a long time. Let me reiterate, it takes a long time. Now for first-timers like myself, going into makeovers, the only guidelines we have are the blogspots, articles and TV shows. We haven't got no experience. Thus, going into makeovers really isn't that easy. Put aside self or personal makeovers, space or room amkeovers may not take as long as self improvements but they still take a long time. There is a whole of process involved and a whole lot of details to take notice.
With cleaning space or rooms, I have definitely noted a few good tips that can help many which I will share in my next few posts for this month. However, it is good to remind everyone that with whatever makeover you have decided, you must also have a lot of patience.
4. Physically Demanding.
Making over your personal self is hysically demanding because if you are like me, a lazy sloth who lives their life by the clock and goes to sleep after dinner, it is hard to just get started with the makeover. It is even worse when trying to continuously try to rid your bad habits. Personal makeovers means making improvements to your appearances and your spiritual motivations too. That means on top of breaking your old habits, you have to consider make new and improving habits like exercises. THAT is a high physcal demand.
This applies to making over your room. Makeover of rooms or any parts of your house, believe me when I say it is crazy and physically demanding. It is literally like exercising because you have to clean, move furnitures around, carry your heavy loaded rubbish and everything else that you have to do. Just like exercise, you will break a sweat and it will make you tired so make sure to be well prepared.

I'm not Jeannie Mai or Ty Pennington so my inputs may or may not be accurate but from my own personal experiences these are what I have learned. I am still I am on a journey of my own personal self makeover which is long and draining. So I am still on a road of learning a lot about myself and the journey taht I decided to venture. However, all is not as bad as I made it sound. From what I have learned, I have also learned ways to help myself as and when I decided to start another makeover or maybe this could be helpful to those who reads this and are inspired to do a makeover. This I will share in my next post since I am celebrating this month with positivity, the best outcome I have picked up from all these is that the opportunity to learn something new and to share them with the masses.
No, I won't disregard the outcome of the makeovers. My first ebdroom makeover experience has a lot of bumps but I love how my room looks like now and guess what, I only spent literally about MYR50 only. I have been gathering some informations from my recent bedroom makeover and of course I will share the experience soon. So yes, the outcome of any makeover will be worth every bumps and struggles along the way. It's just that anyone who wishes to have a makeover on anything at all, it is best to know the real truth about the makeovers and be mentally ready for anything at all.
No, I won't disregard the outcome of the makeovers. My first ebdroom makeover experience has a lot of bumps but I love how my room looks like now and guess what, I only spent literally about MYR50 only. I have been gathering some informations from my recent bedroom makeover and of course I will share the experience soon. So yes, the outcome of any makeover will be worth every bumps and struggles along the way. It's just that anyone who wishes to have a makeover on anything at all, it is best to know the real truth about the makeovers and be mentally ready for anything at all.
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