Sunday 5 April 2020

Music Review : Lindsay Lohan's Back To Me

SHE'S BACK EVERYONE! My girl, LiLo is back and she is back not only for good but definitely with classic LiLo bang. Yesterday, she released her new single, Back To Me and from rave reviews, the song is total bop and personally, damn, the song is really, really a great comeback for Lindsay.

It has been twelve years since the last time I have heard a good song from one the girls that I truly look up to. My admiration for Lindsay began since I first saw her in The Parent Trap and it wasn't just the fact that we are both the same age but she was definitely one of the coolest chick in Hollywood that I really like - from her fashion to her sense of humour and even her movies. I don't think I have ever missed any of her movies, even the ones that sucked. She is truly an incredible actress and it is such a shame that Hollywood corrupted her young mind when she was so insecure and vulnerable but who am I to say much. I'm not part of Hollywood. But throughout her down time, I have always had a small hope that she will get back her groove and get back on the same successful route she was before. I mean, despite what people were saying, the girl is still young and there is so much she could do for herself, her family and for us, who have been her biggest supporters. 

Lindsay came back and dropped her latest single, Back To Me, and the last time she released anything in the form of music was Bossy and that was TWELVE YEARS AGO. Boy, was I looking forward to this release and even though it was stated that she was going to drop the single on 4th April, here in Malaysia, we got to hear the song only yesterday which was on the 5th of April. Nonetheless, the song is a total bop and damn my girl's vocal were ON POINT! Lindsay is not a power vocalist like Christina Aguilera or Katy Perry or any of the other likes of divas around the world. She has a more rocky and raspy voice which makes her stands out so much more and in this song, not only was the song was produced and arranged beautifully to fit her, but her song was so clean that it just mesh together so well. The only downside I had to this was that the way she had sang it, just doesn't convinced me a hundred percent that she is back and good to go for the stars which is the only that I want for her, to just be happy and healthy and go the distance as far as she could go and willing to go. I still love this girl and there is nothing, not even a relapse (well, unless she committed homicide), can stop me from cheering on for her. This was a good track, LiLo and I really miss this girl. Now, all that is left is to say is WELCOME BACK, GIRL!

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