Thursday 2 April 2020

April Opening : A Month of Hope

The world is facing a pandemic and almost all countries is either on lockdown, lockout or in Malaysia, we are under strict Movement Control Order throughout the month of March. So to summarize, we are all under a pretty difficult time. But as many times as this has been said, at the end of a dark tunnel, there is a light and I guess April is the month where we can expect better changes and improving outcomes. Personally, for me it's a month of 'hope'.

Last month was a confusing month for me. It's my birthday month and it has been probably the craziest month for me. It went from all time high where I thought I could just be me for an entire month to me having to figure out how to get things done, at home and at work while the entire nation is on Movement Control Order (MCO). The difference between MCO and a lockdown is that we are able to wander around town but no group meetings or gatherings of more than 2 people, no going out as a family and all entertainment places are closed which means it is a month of me being stuck at home, working from home and just being bored most of the day. 

Honestly, I was bored but I don't think I have so much to complain about because I am actually quite in peace albeit I was definitely distracted while working. It is hard working at home with all the household making ruckus around the house and knowing everything that is comforting for our well-being is literally around the corner like the bed, the pantry and the fridge...

The good thing about working from home is that I get to do a lot of home stuff like making hot matcha latte with marshmallows and damn, it's good. Other than that, I get to spend a good time with my nieces and nephews and of course trying out the current trending things like making dalgona coffee and many other things. In a way, it feels like as much as this was a tragedy that is happening around the world, I cannot help myself but to feel like this is also His great blessings on us. I mean, it has been a while since I feel...peaceful and hopeful.

This post is actually a day too late but I have so much that I have done last month and it just feels right to try and blog as many times as I can this month because as I began my post, this month is a month of hope. I am hopeful that things will be better for me and for my well-being because on of the things that I haven't done religiously during this MCO is getting my health together aka exercise. My skin has been breaking out a lot and I'm not talking about my face, I am talking about my body. My eczema is flaring up again but mentally, I am actually good and positive. So let's together pray and hope that this month brings me more than what last month did. 

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