Monday 23 March 2020

Staying Safe in My Birthday Month

It's a dark, dark month this March and earlier on 18th March, Malaysia started the Movement Control Order (MCO) throughout the nation in order to control and treat the currently spreading Covid-19 virus. As much as it hurts me that this is happening in the month of my birthday, I still am very positive that we will all get through this moment.

If we refer to my previous post, I know I mentioned about blogging throughout this month my favourite things but alas, I am still as incompetent as I was last few years. It's painful to face the truth as to why I am not blogging or even sketching as much as I want to because the reality of it all is that I am just plain lazy. I'm not a procrastinator, I am just a lazy bum which explains my heavy weigh and size. And even though I am tired of feeling sick and irritated all the time, I am still a lazy bum who refuse to even move. 

I remember spending so many times blaming and making excuses on other things that contributed to my inability to be productive but this last few days has been quite refreshing and depressing too. I am not unhappy because of just my external environment, I am unhappy because I myself am too lazy to do anything to make the changes. Which brings me to the fact that in order for me to stay healthy for myself and my family, not only do I need to practice good hygiene but also I need to take care of myself in order for me to take care of everyone else. That, is the biggest lesson I learned from this Covid-19 pandemic. 

Truly, with this pandemic sweeping all over the world, so many negative issues has been raised but what many failed to see is the light at the end of the dark tunnel. I mean, China and South Korea have gone better which only means that every other countries will soon get through these troubled times but it is very crucial for everyone to learn that we must first take care of ourselves. It saddens me that in Malaysia there are still so many ignorant and arrogant people walking as if they are invincible to the virus but I am sure there are just as many people who are smart and mindful of the issue and are taking the right measures to assists the government in order to stopped the virus from spreading.

Personally, I think even though there are so many fears and worry surrounding this Covid-19 virus, there is also so much positive because this virus has just humbled all humanity across the globe. This just proved how great God is and I just hope that not only with constant prayers but also with practical hygiene, we can all help to control the pandemic not only in Malaysia but also in other countries. Most importantly, we must all believe that God will be there to help us and that in His will, we will overcome this. 

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