Sunday 8 March 2020

March Madness is My Kind of Madness

March is here...well it has been here for almost 10 days but I just haven't the time to post anything this month. March is my favorite month because for one thing this month is my birthday month and I have decided to spend this entire month to celebrate myself. As of my past blog posts, I have numerous times share how much I was sick of being sick and waking up sick all the time...well, I seriously want to take this seriously and what better way than to start doing on the month where I know I can be very, very happy. 

In order to celebrate my birthday month, I want to blog about everything that I love and everything that I have a personal interest with because this month, again, is my month and not everything that I love is weird or eccentric. I'm very sure that some of the things that I love are actually what everyone has interests in but who knows. 

What are, as my favourite Dame Julie Andrews said in Sound of Music, my favourite things? well, to start, I have to definitely share my interest in fashion because I really do love fashion - from celebrities styling to everything that is chic and pretty from my ultimate favourite brand - Christian Dior. I'm also a great big fan of food - street food, cafes and restaurant and all great home cooked food. It's really hard to hate food when my Mom is a great cook and my sister is not only married to a certified chef but she too is a culinary lecturer. 

There is also my love for reading but unfortunately lately I haven't had a really good book to enjoy since almost forever. But who knows maybe this month could bring me some luck with something good to read. Also, since I'm celebrating myself this month, I plan to blog about the things that inspires me even though my life is no where near anywhere I can actually be the person I aspire to be but dreams are free and it's my birthday month. 

All in all, this month is entirely about me celebrating myself and celebrating the best version of myself. In the past, I have been trying to be the best version of myself but this time, this year especially, I just want to celebrate myself and instead of trying, I am going to be the best version of myself even if it means for just a month. I could just relapse and be the sloth version of myself or I could actually be that person that I have been trying to be. Which is why, the quote above is something that not only represents this month for me but also my purpose for this entire month. 

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