Sunday 9 February 2020

February Read : Being A Qur'an Tag Girl by Ayesha Syahira

February is here and while many are celebrating this month with love, I decided to jump onto the band wagon but instead of showering post of how to celebrate love, I just want to celebrate this month to get back on the journey on to love myself first and one of the many ways I understand for a Muslim to love themselves is to first love their Maker - Allah S.W.T. One of the many ways I can start to rekindle my relationship with Allah is to pick up whatever best advice I could get in every form available. This month, the advice comes in the form of a book by Ayesha Syahira. 
Believe it or not, this book only came into my view only yesterday while I was walking through the bookstore looking for what could my nieces and nephew could enjoy while their mother is out. Fortunately for me, this book came into view just when I came into realization of my relationship with Allah S.W.T. This month, as mentioned above, I want to dedicate it to loving myself and/or finding that love for myself and as a Muslimah, one of the best ways to start loving ourselves is to first love our Creator who has blessed us with this life and body and I truly believe and am confident that once I start to mend my relationship with Him, He will surely bless me to get better right here on earth and also in the hereafter...insyaAllah. I don't know much about the author as I have only come across her book by accident but I will sure blog about her considering that I have started reading her book.

Follow Ayesha Syahira on her Instagram and Twitter for more information on the author and her projects. 

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