Now, this little story about Khloe Kardashian and her baby Daddy, Tristan Thompson has been how many would put it, old news and I won't deny it, it is definitely old news. But, let's also not forget how big of a news when the scandal broke out onto the entertainment business for both times that he cheated. So many people had their own peace to speak about this scandal even Khloe herself has said her peace, just like her Instagram post on forgiving those who have wronged her and after reading about that post, I thought maybe it is times I share what I think about the whole thing. Not that my opinion matters because I'm pretty much a nobody, right now but I also have something I want to share with those who comes across this post.

Who doesn't know the Kardashians? Almost everyone on the face of the planet knows every one of the family members. As much as I have many criticism for this family and their behaviour, for one thing I will not write off how hard these family works to make their family name a brand of their own. But that's another story for another day. However, while the women of the family are high profile entrepreneurs, I honestly don't get why people are so interested with their personal lives i.e. their love lives but many are very interested and the world broke out in sweats when one of them announces their new lover or their new man. Just like when they went crazy when the media announced that Khloe, back then (I think it was last year), started dating Tristan Thompson. I don't know who Tristan is and I still don't care who he is but I do notice how big his name became once the dating news broke out. It went even bigger when Khloe announced her pregnancy. Fast forward, when Khloe was nine months pregnant, Tristan was caught cheating. I didn't watch the video of him to have said making out with another woman but from the news itself, that man to me is a pig. Not only did he have no respect for his partner who is at home, ready to deliver the baby at anytime of the day, he was also disrespectful to himself and to his own family for being that man who went astray while his girlfriend or at the time his fiance was NINE MONTHS yeah, that man is something else. He doesn't even deserve to be called a pig because even a pig is much better compared to him. And even then, Khloe had the heart to forgive and take him back for the sake of their daughter but go to ten months later, manslut decided to get funky with Khloe's little sister bff, Jordyn Woods.
I know many jumped on Jordyn for committing what I think is just a mistake a young woman would have made when she is drunk and tipsy, not that I actually have made such a mistake but are we really going to brush off the other Kardashian's twenty one years old mistakes too? I mean, I don't know why the sisters and their followers went ham on Jordyn albeit I understand that Jordyn is Kylie's bff but didn't Kim made a sex tape when she was twenty one? Didn't Khloe went to jail for DUI? I know the mistake Jordyn did was practically stabbing Khloe in the back and Kylie in the heart, but are we really going to label her mistake as the world's greatest mistake when almost more than half of twney years old young women out there commit if not the same mistakes? However, gunning down on Jordyn was not my issue. My issue is entirely watching other women grown adults and young ones coming at her mercilessly and allowing the manslut to just take a backseat. My anger and criticism was directly solely to Tristan Thompson. Irregardless of what people are saying, how the world 'already knew what kind of person he is...', he is a grown man who is not even suppose to think about partying when he had just cheated on his partner. He shouldn't even try to lead the girl on. What he has done and what kind of person he was shouldn't be an excuse for everyone else to jump on Jordyn.
As a matter of fact, and this is just my personal opinion, I would have just kicked Tristan out of the curb the day he was caught that first time. It didn't matter that he was my baby Daddy or not, he it out. If there was one thing I want my children to know is that cheating is unacceptable. PERIOD. Even if it is your father that cheated, it is not okay especially when he cheated and caused turmoil within the confinement and the safety of our family. Kicking him out does not mean you don't respect him or you don't show any love. Those can be shown in different forms and at some other times but at that point in time, he's got to go. Let's face it, Tristan is not interested to commit in a relationship, he is committed to enjoy the perks of his status as an athlete and men like these, I hate to label them, but they actually thrive for the attention that they are getting even though it is negative. It helps to put their names on the map. So for me, the best way to teach these type of people is really to just ignore them. Moreover, again this is just me being me and I know and understand that talk is easy, if I were Khloe, instead of waiting for Jordyn to come to me and apologise and explained the situation to me, (knowing at that age I too was scared out of my mind and I have lied tremendously even to my family) I would have ask Jordyn if it was okay for me to come over to her home and just talk. Let's cry it out, have a yell or a cuss out and just get it over and done with. Tristan was a new man that decided Khloe wasn't good enough for his respect but Jordyn's and Kylie's friendship was something that had been established way before he came into their lives. I know very well that Khloe is in pain and it's so good to see her wanting to forgive and just move on with her life with positivity because not only is that what she deserved but it's what her baby girl, True deserves too. If there is one happy thing that little girl is going to grow up learning is that she knows her Momma is a loving and caring person and is never short of showering her with love. Again, it's easier said than done but forgiveness is truly the most rewarding thing anyone could gift themselves. Not only forgiving those around them but seeking forgiveness from others and also forgiving themselves, which is the most important thing and also the hardest thing to do.
I'm no expert in friendship or relationship because if I was I would have been discussing this matter with my friends or I should have been married with pretty kids by now but that's not the case and truly it's not that important. But I do know that it is uplifting just to forgive people and to receive forgiveness from others and that's what I see when I read up about this whole scandal. Also, I just don't like people like Tristan, a nobody who decides that he is King and now, look where he where to be seen.
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