A new month has begun and it's the month of July. In honest truth one of the many reasons why I started this blog again is to really share my current experiences be it good or bad. Considering that this month started off real bad at work, all the more reasons for me to start blogging again. Which brought me to the why I decided to blog today. I am starting this month positive because I need to rid of all the negative at work.

So, I'm first going to start my positive July with taking care of myself, first. Basically what I want to do is to start my days with some exercises in the morning. Not everyday of course but maybe at least three times a week. Considering that I am currently suffering from the after effects of Bell's Palsy and currently my left leg especially around the little toe is numb. I read about it and currently I am supposedly suffering from sciatica. To top it all off, my parents couldn't stop bugging me about how FAT I am. Honestly, at first I was struggling to figure out if I want to lose weight because they asked me or because I just want to prove them wrong but that struggle is making even more fat...LOL! But now like I said, I want to start this month being positive and I want to start taking care of myself because I do plan to leave my current job and get my own place away from my family because living for over thirty years with them is giving me anxiety. Also, I need to get fit and slim because wedding season is starting soon and my first wedding to attend is in October so it's very important to cut up that fat and get into some pretty clothes so I will look pretty in the pictures.

The next thing that I need to work on is really my productivity. I was told and read a few articles that said with planned sleep and exercises, I can definitely get better productivity at work but my problem is not about how many hours I sleep or how hard I exercise but it's about my passion really. I really am just not in love with my job and the industry that my company is working in so the love for what I do is just not there. Basically what I need to do first is to write down what I need to do at work and get that done one by one. Hopefully soon enough I might just get things done, the way the company wants me too.
Another thing that I need to change to be more positive is my bedroom. My bedroom is a messy trunk of junk and sometimes I wonder how I am able to sleep in such a sty. So, it's very much important for me to clean up my room and make the right and positive changes that will not only allow me to come into a room that looks clean and nice but also will stop my mom from nagging at me like forever. I have always looked around the web for some bedroom inspirations and I think I have a few ideas already and to start with that, I need to write it down.
And writing things down is where I need to start with this month of positive. I learned something about thinking of what to write today and it's not about one wanting to change but it's about one turning their life that is toxic and negative to a more positive one so that's where I'm going.
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