Monday 1 July 2019

This Week's Favourites : From Skincare to Celebrity's Caesar Salad

The way to combat writer's block to always continue writing - Ed Sheeran

As a blogger in the past, I have many times suffered from every writer's problems and that is a writer's block. When I started this blog, I have promised myself to try my best to battle my struggle with writer's block should I be facing it and after listening to Ed Sheeran, I thought I give his advice a try and that is to continue writing. Honestly, I have got nothing to write about today but because I don't want to face with a writer's block at anytime in the future, I came up with this post where I get to share with everyone about the blog posts and videos that I recently read and watched that intrigued me.

To start, I have to to begin with my girl, Lauren Conrad and her latest post was today, Six skin struggles and The Products We Use to Combat Them. I truly enjoy reading this post because literally it almost covers all the skin struggles that I am facing and they are eczemas, dry skin and uneven texture. The other part of this post is they share the products that could assists these skin problems. I hardly ever had breakouts and acne because those only appear when I'm crazy stressed. Most of the time its dryness but because I have super sensitive skin, it was a struggle just to find the right kind of product that is not only friendly to my skin but also helps to cure my flaky and dry skin. Perhaps, one day I will share the product that I'm using to help with my skin problems. 

The next post that I truly enjoyed reading is from Beautiful Dawn and it's posted on The First Blog Post You Should Write as a New Blogger written by Tiffany GriffinWhen it comes to blogging, I have said this before, 5214 was not my first blog. I have blogged before but back then I had all the time in the world to write about unlike now. So, when I decided to blog again I thought maybe I should start looking at other blogs and learn a few things or two because as we always know, technology develops light years times faster than we can blink. I was lucky that I can across this post on Beautiful Dawn and considering that this post is constantly updated, it's truly helpful. This post serves as a reminder for me on how I used to blog in the past but it also gave me a few new tips that could help with my blog like affiliation and others. 

Hello Giggles is one of my favourite websites that I like to read and writer Allie Finn write this blog about celery juice - Celery Juice Worth The Hype? Now why does this article interests me because it literally breaks down the real issue and the real benefit of celery juice and how it is only trending across the globe because there were many celebrities posting their celery juices on their social media and that is exactly what Allie wrote is exactly that - it is only just a gimmick. Water is still the best cure than any other water or juices in the world. 

This is something new that I'm trying but lately podcast has become a trend and personally I think it's a successful trend. I actually enjoy listening to a few podcasts on a long day especially during at work because it keeps me at ease and instead of listening to random songs on the radio, I actually get to learn a few things from it. This week, I'm trying to listen to Yasmin Mogahed's podcast on Pain, Depression And Anxiety - How to Heal. I haven't finished listening to this one but so far it seems to help me a little bit. It covers mainly about mental health issues and how normal it is amongst Muslims too but what I love about listening to this is that Yasmin tries to educate her listeners about what mental health is and the methods which also includes the Muslim's method on how to heal from it. 

Finally, another thing that interest me is an IGTV post from Ali Larter and her Easy Caesar's Salad - honestly I love this IG video because I love Caesar's Salad in general and it's true, her way is actually easy.

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